Defenders of Nature and Sustainable Development (DONASUD) is a none-profit organization registered under the Incorporated Trustees of the Companies and Allied Matters Part C Deree No 1 of Federal Republic of Nigeria with charity number 15051.

DDEFENDERS OF NATURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (DONASUD) was first conceived by Lawrence Oseyamhen on seeing the gross abuse of nature, the spate of unsustainable practices and which to say the least will lead to jeopardy except concrete step are taken to change the trend.

Our results point towards a prevalent global land scarcity that results in industries targeting the last remaining strongholds for biodiversity and the environmental defenders.

  • The Executive Director of DONASUD

  • The director at our head office in Lagos Nigeria

  • Lawrence Oseyamhen making a presentation in Calgary Canada

  • Lawrence Oseyamhen making presentation to a wide spread of audience in Calgary Canada

  • The Executive Director


The mission of DONASUD is to positively address the well-being of human through: Service delivery; resources mobilization; research and new innovation development: Public awareness/education/advocacy and concert effort for change and development.



DONASUD is determined to stop or reduce all the human negative impacts on the Environment and to bring health education, and sustainable to the grassroots.

DONASUD is against environmental destruction and biodiversity loss resulting from unsustainable nature resource extraction.

Secure Enverionment

For millennia, Indigenous peoples have both shaped and been shaped by the landscapes in which they’ve lived—protecting and conserving natural resources for future generations, while also managing them for their needs in the present. However, over the last couple centuries, these lands and their peoples have been facing never-before-seen threats from human development.

First Defenders

This is a really big deal, Conservation for The Nature Conservancy’s Canadian affiliate Nature United. “It lights the path for fulfilling a commitment to a future with some logging, sustainability of old growth forests, and a vital and robust Indigenous voice in this region.”

The story is one that The Nature Conservancy believes has implications for many landscapes and peoples around the world. Over the last decade, the Conservancy’s partnerships with Indigenous peoples and local communities have spanned 27 countries and led to the improved management or conservation of more than 235 million acres of land.

  • Lawrence Oseyamhen representing DONASUD in Livingston Montana USA

  • Lawrence Oseyamhen being taken a tour in Yellowstone Park in Montana USA. The first national park and a UNESCO World Heritage site covering 2.2million acres location in Montana USA.

  • At a conference attended by our delegates in Canada


Heath Education, research and provision of health center and clinic will be taken to the grassroots, as health is important.

Conversation of nature will be encouraged and supported.

As host of the DONASUD DEFENDERS, DONASUD promotes the conservation and protection of peatlands which, if they remain intact, are super stores of carbon and biodiversity. DONASUD is also working with others, such as the World Food Programmed, to boost food security in arid areas.


  • Members of CAWST in Canada

  • Some CAWST officials in Canada

  • On tour with the official

We are always looking for self-motivated individuals with passion and enthusiasm for international development. In return we commit to providing a fun, engaging, diverse, challenging and a supportive volunteer environment.



When children don’t have access to clean water, it affects their health, nutrition, education and learning abilities, thus impacting many aspects of their lives.


Adequate sanitation is essential to childhood survival and development, improving children’s education, increasing productivity and building resilience in the face of disease and disaster.


The effects of climate change and resulting water scarcity can limit children’s ability to grow up healthy and strong.


DONASUD helps communities participate in setting service standards and tariffs in order to ensure accountability and transparency. Our work with service providers helps to clarify roles and responsibilities, establishing accountability with clear service delivery models. We also help governments with policymaking, financial planning, capacity-building, regulatory frameworks and sector-wide sustainability checks.

  • Members of DONASUD on training in Canada

  • At the worlds bank event in Lagos Nigeria

  • Our delegates proudly representing DONASUD Event in Perth Australia